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This stunning campaign was started in 2021 by parent climate groups and children’s illustrators, who are worried about climate change and want to push for a brighter, safer future for our children. 

It kicked off for the March 14 UK Mother’s Day with iconic British illustrators Jim Field of Oi Frog! and Rebecca Cobb of Paper Dolls, and was launched there by parent climate groups – Our Kids’ ClimateParents For Future UKMother’s Rise Up – and illustrator networks, Kid Lit For Climate and EditArtz.

Parent climate groups around the world are now joining in to take it global including Parents for Climate Aotearoa, Australian Parents for Climate Action, Parents for Future Nigeria, Families for A Livable Climate (USA), Parents for Future Uruguay, Madres por el Clima (Spain), Famílias pelo Clima (Brasil) and many more parent groups in Colombia, Portugal, Austria, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Canada...there are now well over 1000 posts under the #OurOtherMother hashtag on Instagram!

Please enjoy this images from our exhibition in Wellington Mother's Day 2021 and share with your friends and whānau and feel inspired and re-energised by the love and care we have for each other and Papatūānuku.

If you would like to contribute to helping bring this gorgeous exhibition around Aotearoa, then please feel free to pop into our donation site here. 

Our Other Mother Global Campaign: Text
Our Other Mother Global Campaign: Gallery

©2019 by Parents for Climate Aotearoa. Proudly created with

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